Monday, April 15, 2013

Engaging Customers in B2B Sales Channels

Today the expectation of customers is much higher than ever before with regard to customer service, especially in a face to face sales call. They demand more personalization, faster response and discussions that help them solve their problems.

In the last ten years, B2B selling has changed due to the prevalence of remote technologies – email, Twitter, texts. Customers often rail against having to spend time in face to face sales calls. Businesses are beginning to define and measure the cost of such meetings. From the vendor’s perspective it can be equally expensive unless there is solid value to be had – dependent on the industry and products sold, a simple meeting can cost upwards of $300, much more if it involves significant travel.

With this being said, when a face to face call does occur, and customer and salesman invest the time there are ways to add value.

Plan the Meeting

Strange as it may seem, many sales professional do not plan the sales call. Thinking on their feet and hoping for the best is never a good strategy especially when limited time and interest is available. Meetings that have been prepared for will have a more favorable outcome. A good understanding of the customers needs allows the salesman to gather the appropriate materials and thoughts together in advance and present only the information and solution that their customer require.

Sell the Solution not the Product

Truly successful salesmen provide the value of their products to the customer, not just the features. Applying understanding of their products capabilities to the customer’s specific issues is key.  A poor salesman relies heavily on prepared marketing collateral that may already be in the hands of their customer, and are often generic in their content; a stronger salesman uses their knowledge of the customer to frame value propositions.

Use Real Life Examples

The use of examples of how their products and solutions are applied across like industries and similar customers can be highly interesting and engaging - customers like to hear some real-world applications on products they are thinking of buying. However talk is cheap and the use of videos and images is the most effective especially when these can be used in combination with the discussions ongoing at the meeting. Flexibility is key and the ability to have such materials readily to hand. 

Follow up Fast

A customer always has questions. That’s a good thing. However they also have a limited attention span so being able to respond quickly and effectively is important. Today they expect personalized answers in real-time.  If you deliver an outstanding customer experience they’ll tell their friends and followers about their experience.  55% of customers are willing to recommend a product or service if they receive exceptional service.  Service will generate more referrals than price.

Following these basic, common sense rules, will go a long way to developing your sales channels, keeping your customers engaged and happy and ultimately, in closing the deal.

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